God has been so good to me; that's why I'll lift up his name forever!
The Church, the body of Christ
A word from me
About Me
The vision I saw of the church
Lust, a glimpse into the spiritual side...
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 This below, is a vision which I recieved from God sometime in the year 2000, in a vision at night. It was not a dream. I was there. It was a real thing that happened.
I was in my bed, fast asleep, when God awoke my spirit, that is me. I could sense my body still sleeping on my bed when he woke me.
He lifted me up, and took me to a very blue plain. I believe that's why I love the color blue, because Ive never seen any color like that which I saw. It was perfect blue. It had no blemishes. It was perfect. I believe that is what the elders of Israel saw when they went with Moses on the mount of Sinai. The plain was awesome. It was holy.  Holiness radiated from it. It sparkled with glory.
Then I looked around, and saw that the plain was so wide and wast. It had no end. The Holy Spirit told me it covered the entire earth. Standing on the plain were people, human beings. There were all races of people which are upon the earth. They were scattered all over the plain. They were the ordinary people of the world. Some looked rich, others looked poor, some looked well off, others looked desperate. They wore different types of clothing. I didn't realise the significance of this until now. The Holy Spirit, who was with me, told me that those were Christians, scattered around the world. Mind u, not those who claim to be Christians, but Christians. A kind of holy light surrounded them.
I looked above them, and saw a great Glory. It is too awesome for me to describe in words over here in the physical. It was holy, awesome, glorious. It was like a great transparent cloud. It hovered above. It was a living transparent cloud like glory. The Holy Spirit told me it was the Holy Spirit.
Proceeding from the Great Glory (which was the Holy Spirit), there were beams of Glory. I dare not call it light. Light is like a shadow compared to ut. It was beams of Glory. The beams were alive. They descended onto each Christian on the plain. It filled and surrounded each of them with a holy Glory, which I had seen .
All the people on that plain looked up towards the Holy Spirit. None looked to another person. I watched as one man tried to look tooward another one standing on the plain, but the power of the Holy Spirit would not allow him to. When I asked the Holy Spirit later why, He told me that He is too jelous to allow a Christian toput his/her  trust in anybody, including a fellow Christian (Some have misunderstood this statement. The bible says to trust in the Lord with all our heart. This is what I mean when I speak of trust here). When I asked how come, He told me, "THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT"which I know by heart, and many mention in The Prayer of the Grace. I understood then that Christians fellowship with each other through the Holy Spirit. They are all one, wheresoever they may be around the world.
Note: This vision is open to testing, and I will be glad to recieve comments and rebukes and whatever anyone might have to say. May God bless you so

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Glory to God