God has been so good to me; that's why I'll lift up his name forever!
Lust, a glimpse into the spiritual side...
A word from me
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The vision I saw of the church
Lust, a glimpse into the spiritual side...
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Lust? well, it's just looking at a man/woman and desiring him/her for sexual pleasures, or is it? This is what I saw, and it changed my perspective of the subject.

This is what I saw in a vision, and I will put it all down here as I ought.
Well, it was a normal day at High School, everything went on as usual, and the day dragged itself by. At bed time, I entered my blanket and was soon fast asleep. God gave me a vision, in which he reviewed the past afternoon for me. He showed several different parts of that day to me in that vision. The only difference was, he showed me a bit of what he sees in the spiritual world. This is what I saw.
I was in the volley-ball court, with the usual friends. I usually play, but I was watching the game this time. I saw all the usual people on court, and some unusual creatures as well. They were fat, short(about half the size of a man), shapeless, with long thin arms, and short stocky legs. The best thing I can compare them to is a fat rugged potatoe. They had no necks. Somehow, they mingled freely amongst the fans, and the players as well. They were a jolly group, constantly winking at each other, and roaring with laughter. Each of them hung on the arm of a human present there. Whereever the person moved, these creatures moved with them. I was shocked, as I looked around. I saw myself near that volley-ball court, and to my horror, I saw one of the ugly creatures just next to me to my right, and it clung onto my right elbow. I was just watching all this, so I couldn't shake it off.
I saw myself moving towards our dormitory, when it was evening, as I wanted to go and sleep. On the way, I saw a girl I'd secretly desired to have as a lover, and she was very beautiful. In that vision, I had that desire as usual, when I passed near her. She also had one of those ugly creatures clinging to her left arm. The one with me was on my left elbow this time. As I by-passed her, the creatures stretched out their hands to each other and .... u know, this gimme-five stuff. As their three-fingered palms met in the mid-air, they roared with insane laughter.
I proceeded towards my dormitory, and on the way, I met many people, most of whom had this demon accompanying them. We had tripple-decker beds at my High school, and I was on the top-most, near a window. I climbed up onto my bed, and this demon climbed up with me too. I sat on my bed and looked around. The boys in there were doing the usual things; listening to music, playing cards, just lying on their beds, etc.
I saw some of these boys masterbating, and to my horror, I saw that they were having sex with this ugly demons. I sat on my bed, wondering why a person would want to have sex with such a creature, but only realised that they couldn't see them.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw the demon trying to make me start thinking pornographic stuff, so I could also maturbate, hence have sex with it. I think at that time, I had now come back to the "now" time, and I found I could control my feelings, and make decisions. I decided to ignore this ugly companion of mine, while I pondered the vision. After a short while, I felt the demon grabbing me with brute force, and trying to rape me. I fought back, but it was too strong for me. I fought to get out of the vision, and woke up to find myself in the process of what many call wet-dream, and could relate it to the vision. I got up, and rebuked the spirit of lust there on my bed. It fled from me.
That's how the vision ended, but that's not the end of the story.
I went back to sleep, but immediately, God woke me up in the spirit. I got up, and sat on my bed. My body was still fast asleep on the bed. I found a few of the capabilities of my spiritual eyes, like being able to look through walls, look great distances without limit, but all was quite dim and blurred.
I was wondering why God had woken me up this time, when I heard the sound of a scooter, called boda-boda here in our local language. it started faintly, and grew in volume. It became louder, and louder, until it came just near the window I was next to. I looked through the wall, but could see nothing. There was this eerie charcoal-dust like figure, which was there. It put off the engine, and all was quiet again. There wasn't a trace of fear at all in me, as God was standing by me then, and in his presence is no fear.
The creature came through the wall of the dormitory, and grabbed my mouth. That's when I woke up in my body, and that spirit was still there. It grabbed my feet, and my hands as well; I couldn't guess how many hands it had, but I  wasn't scared at all. I fought to release my mouth, and on succeeding, I said, 'I bind you in the Name of Jesus'. The spirit forgot it's motor bike behind.....lol.... and I never heard of or from it again, but, at that time, I was so angry, I was so mad that I jumped down from the top-most decker, and ran out into the night for spiritual battle.  I enjoyed it so much, and the devil suffered.....lol...
Well, that's what happened, and that's what I saw.
Note: all this is open to testing.

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